Tuesday, 31 July 2012


A former girlfriend once told me that she used to masturbate with the help of her bed's footboard. She described the bedpost as a smooth wood, turned on a lathe, that had a tip shaped like sex toy. We doubted that the original designer had that in mind, but we couldn't help make the comparison. 

It did seem like a perfectly shaped sex toy. What I didn't realize is that when she used it as a sex toy on herself, she used it like a buttplug. Spreading her cheeks, she'd slowly lower herself down on it. Then, slowly, she'd ride it up and down like an erect cock, while rubbing her clit in front. She said the three rings made an intense sensation as she pushed down. If she could get all the way to the third, she'd taken her bed-friend deep.She said it was the most intense orgasms she could have, and no matter how hard she bucked, the bed was heavy enough to stay put. She said the wood was natural warm to the touch, and smooth, and hard. 

She said the bed wasn't exactly stylish, almost like something you'd find at a yard sale or Goodwill, and sometimes people wondered why she kept the bed and moved it to each new apartment, even when she had a good job. She just smiled and said that the bed fit her well.

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